Homemade Living

File This Under “Good To Know”

I swear, sometimes these kids are going to send me to the looney bin.  Aside from the constant messes and spills, they tend to take things and misplace them.  This happens a lot.  Like, ALL THE TIME. Case in point: yesterday the can opener went missing.  I have no idea where it is.  To open […]

My Most Productive Morning Ever

  It’s been a l o n g day. A bad nightmare woke Mack up at 2:45, and he stumbled into our room looking for consolation and cuddles. After I brought him back to his bed, I tossed and turned in mine for what seemed like much too long.  At 3:33 am, I decided to […]

Chicago Farmers Market + GIVEAWAY!!!

Perhaps one of the best parts about living in the Midwest is easy access to farm fresh foods.  My husband, an East coaster by birth, often reminds me that he considered Illinois a “fly over” state for much of his life, and I often remind him that my part of the country fed his uppity […]

The Best $12 I’ll Spend All Summer

My sister Caitie recently hosted a super fun birthday party at her house for her son Danny. Despite a bounce house, cupcakes, toys galore and kids everywhere, little Vivian spent the entire party playing at a water table.  It was filled with little rubber duckies that kept her laughing, and by the end of the […]

Reusable Produce Bags – Yippee!

As I’ve written about countless times before, I really really REALLY hate plastic.  One of the sneakiest plastic offenders, in my opinion, are the flimsy plastic produce bags from the grocery store.  While they can certainly be reused (or recycled, in a pinch), I have a sneaky suspicion that most of them end up in […]


Am I the only one who thinks American kids are a wee bit oversnacked? It seems like every kid we see at the playground has a Ziploc bag of Goldfish crackers in one hand and a juice box in the other.  Can’t kids go a few hours between meals without mindlessly snacking?? Call me a […]

Healthy/Not Healthy

Mack is an enigma to me. He is a newly 3 rambunctious and energetic boy, and he functions at top speed ALL THE TIME.  At his age, I was happy to spend every afternoon playing My Little Ponies with my three sisters, so having a young fella of my own is still new to me.  […]


This is just a simple post. A note of gratitude, really. To Mother Nature. For creating dandelions and giving children something beautiful to pick and appreciate and delight in.  How lucky are we to live in a world where weeds are truly beautiful! Did you like this? Share it:Tweet

Raw Milk Action Alert

In my opinion, the less food is processed the healthier it is. While I’m not afraid of the fat in butter or whole milk, I am terrified of 100-calorie snack packs.  Perhaps one of the most processed foods most Americans consume in abundance every day is pasturized and homogenized milk.  From a young age we […]

Duralex Dishware from Mighty Nest

As I write about often, I really hate plastic.  Not only is it horrible for the planet, but I believe plastic containers leach chemicals into the foods and drinks we consume. Quite simply, I avoid plastic whenever possible. Lately, fears about the health effects of BPA have deterred many consumers from plastic.  Manufacturers now proudly […]

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