Homemade Living

Just a Spoonful of Sugar

“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and – SNAP – the job’s a game!” – Mary Poppins Chris takes Mack to a couple classes on Friday mornings, so while Vivian naps I have a two blissful and quiet hours to myself.  In my fantasy […]

Back to (a New) School

Evie started her second year of pre-school last week.  A year ago I was very anxious about sending Evie to school for the first time.  Would she miss me? Who would she turn to if she got hurt? How would her view of the world change without me there to guide her?  She had been […]

The Three R’s at Home

My husband works a lot. Like, a LOT.  Several nights a week he isn’t home until 10, and up until last week he had to work every Saturday which meant we only had one day a week to spend together as a family.  When he left the corporate world to start his own business three […]

Arugula and Roasted Beet Salad with Apple Cider Vinaigrette

A couple months ago I wrote about a new semi-homemade meal service here in Chicago called Meez Meals.  The nutritious meals are prepped and ready for assembly, saving me time on shopping and chopping.  Every now and then, depending on the busyness of the week ahead, I place an order.  A few weeks ago a […]

Paleo Fudge Pops

Chris joined a cross-fit gym several months ago.  Cross-fit is a professional, challenging and evidence-based work-out program that is designed to push users to the limit through encouragement and teamwork.  Chris really likes the competitive atmosphere of cross-fit, and his body is now fitter and healthier than its ever been.  In my humble opinion, he […]

Honey and Cinnamon Ice Milk

As I’ve written about many times before, I really love the co-op we belong to.  Twice a month, local farm-fresh food is delivered to my area, and my family is happier and healthier because of it.  We order everything from pasture-raised beef to free-ranging chickens to sweet maple syrup.  Perhaps one of my favorite items […]

Tiny Tummy Troubles

Poor little Vivian! She struggles a bit with tummy troubles, and her tears and frustrated expressions break my heart.  I think she has sensitivities to some of the foods I eat, so I’m trying my best to avoid things that I think might be causing her distress.  So far I’ve figured out that Brussels sprouts […]

Sweet Potato Pancake with Wilted Spinach and Egg

I am always trying to come up with recipes that use the standard ingredients I always keep in the house.  Keeping a stash of regular and reliable items in the pantry and fridge ensure that a healthy, simple and economical meal is never far off. For lunch yesterday I came up with a delicious meal […]

Homemade Mothering in USA Today

I was interviewed for an article about green cleaning in a recent issue of USA Today.  I feel so passionately about the importance of cleaning with simple homemade solutions.  Not only does making my own cleaning products save lots of money, but its infinitely healthier for my family and the planet.  Not to mention the […]

From Clean Clothes to Dirty Trash

We don’t have much dry cleaning.  My husband wears jeans or athletic shorts to work every day, and my usual uniform consists of yoga pants or leggings or, if I’m feeling fancy, jeans.  I’m very grateful for this as dry cleaning is expensive, and the spooky chemicals involved can’t be good for anyone.  Dry cleaning […]

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