I don’t think I am a judgmental person – I firmly believe that God made all of us different because we are all special. Although I live a certain way, I don’t expect everyone to live like me. That would be foolish! However, I am pretty judgmental when I see someone drinking out of a plastic water bottle. Second only to smokers tossing ciggy butts on the ground, plastic water bottles bring out the worst in me.
Americans are so weird sometimes. We’ll complain nonstop about $4.00 gas, but spending just as much for a bottle of water shipped in from Fiji makes sense?! Every year we throw away 38 billion water bottles — in excess of $1 billion worth of plastic. American tap water is among the safest in the world, and as much as 40% of the bottled water sold in the U.S. is just filtered tap water anyway. So, let’s kick this dirty plastic bottle habit and stick with reusable bottles!
I fancy myself as a water bottle connoisseur of sorts. I am fiercely loyal to our stainless steel Klean Kanteens – I won’t use any other metal bottle. The big 40 oz size comes with us just about everywhere because it holds a lot of water and keeps is cool for a long time. The kids love their Klean Kanteens, too.
Mighty Nest recently sent me a Takeya glass water bottle to try out, and I must say that I am smitten. Its a lot smaller than our honkin’ 40 oz Klean Kanteen, so its a bit easier for me to grab-&-go when we’re heading outside to color with chalk or blow bubbles. And, it fits in our car’s cup holder, so its easy to bring along when I have to run a quick errand. The glass isn’t too heavy, and the silicone cover keeps it secure.
The kids like the Takeya, too. I think they feel cool whenever they drink out of it!
Mighty Nest would like to GIVEAWAY a Takeya glass water bottle to one lucky Homemade Mothering reader. To enter, leave a comment here letting me know one thing you are doing to help our planet.
BONUS ENTRY: Leave a comment on Homemade Mothering’s Facebook page telling me what color bottle you like best. You can check out the colors by visiting Mighty Nest here: http://mightynest.com/shop/travel-beverage-bottles/water-bottles/classic-glass-water-bottles-with-silicone-sleeve-16oz
Contest ends Sunday, April 29 at 11:59 PM CST.
© Copyright 2025 Homemade Mothering | A Back to Basics Approach to Mothering and Homekeeping
We reuse our individual applesauce containers for our craft projects-paint, beads, water…
Such great water bottles! I’d love to tote one around.
One thing that I do is make almost everything we eat from scratch. It save on packaging, processing and marketing, and provides more nutrients. Win!
Last summer I stopped using paper plates. Haven’t used them in almost a year!
I’m copying you by making detergent (and now hand soap) and teaching my boys about being stewards of creation.
one thing i do to show mama earth some love is use the blank sides of paper documents. I cut them down in quarters and stack and staple & make myself a scratch note pad for “to-do”/shopping lists, my eight year old will even cut them down smaller and make herself a flipbook of drawings.
I make my own laundry soap, recycle and hardly use paper towels anymore. I have always preferred using vinegar to clean over expensive(toxic) cleaners.
In a house with 4 adults and a baby, our recycling container is at least twice as full as our garbage container each week.
I have just started using cloth diapers (after being inspired by you) and canned my first two batches of strawberry jam last weekend (not sure if canning helps the planet, but I do like that the jars are reusable and the product isn’t filled with chemicals!). And I just bought a Kleen Kanteen for myself today after using their sippys for my daughter!
Reusing egg cartons, toilet paper rolls for painting…the egg carton holds the paints and the toilet paper rolls make perfect circles!
And trying to teach my little girls about being nice to the planet…must be working a little. My daughter told my husband last week “Poppa you turn off that light, it makes the Lorax said when we waste things.”
Environmentalism has become a way of life for me. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about our precious planet and what we’re all doing to it.
I’m far from perfect but I do what I can. Reduce, reuse, recycle. My family went for a year without a car and it was a big relief both financially and environmentally. Now that I’m expecting baby #2, we did purchase a car but it’s very much an “occasional use” vehicle and I try to get weekly errands done all in one day.
I try to look for new ways to use what could be considered garbage. I just took an empty baby cereal canister, covered it with fabric, filled it with various pampering items and wrapped it to give as a gift to my sister-in-law who just had a baby girl.
I finally stopped using plastic bottles recently! We reuse our baby food jars to hold household items like vitamins.
We use cloth diapers and recycle as much as we can. My daughter would live a purple water bottle.
We don’t have trash pick up so we recycle and compost almost everything. Cloth diapers were a must so I make my own detergent and hand soap from our own goat milk. we grow as much as we can both vegetables and meat, this year trying gluten free grains. Trying to remove all plastic so this bottle would be great.
I’ve seen these everywhere lately. They’re strong and keep water cold. Definitely approved!
using reusable waterbottles, not buying paper plates, and using eco-friendly products whenever i can afford it!
We use Klean Kanteens too! Love them!
Learning little by little to reduce chemicals in our home/lives. From cleaning products to cosmetics (recently in love with washing my hair with Dr. Bronner’s castile soap and then using the organic rinse)…just cleaned my oven sans chemicals for the first time (just baking soda and water and it worked better than all those icky chemicals I used to use!).
We do our best to be more environmentally friendly at our house. We recycle, we use green bags, I havent bought paper plates/napkins/towels in over 2 years, but the most FUN thing that my husband and I do with our 3 kids is “No Lights Mondays”, where we “unplug”…we eat sandwiches and fresh fruit/veggies by candle light and play board games until bed time! it’s a family favorite!!! 🙂
We recently updated all of our lighting fixtures to energy efficient bulbs. I also try to ride my bike instead of drive!
I try our best to limited processed foods and watch out water consumption around here. Tough with a toddler, but so important!
We make our own cleaning products, too. Love the fact that I don’t have to keep the kids away from any fumes 🙂
While I was pregnant with my second child I educated myself on ways to live a less impactful lifestyle. We now cloth diaper, changed our cleaning products to mostly natural products, we recycle as much as we can. I can honestly say that we the changes we made took some getting used to but now three years later it is no big deal and I don’t think we will ever go back to our wasteful, harmful chemical ways.
Last month we ran out of Ceran wrap and so I decided that it was a great time to just give it up. We’re almost at the end of April and I’ve not missed it once. I’ve also just given up on freezer bags, I’m now using all my mason jars instead. I’m slowly buying more of them from the thrift store so that I’ll still have enough come canning season!
We cloth diaper, use cloth wipes (with homemade wipes solution), we bring cloth bags to the grocery store to cut down on plastic bags, we use the plastic bags we do bring home as garbage can liners, we grow our own herbs, we buy energy efficient light bulbs … :~) Great giveaway!
We have switched to cloth napkins/towels and hardly ever use paper towels! We love to see how long we can go before we have to buy more.
A few years ago, we switched from buying paper napkins & plastic bags for lunch foods to using cloth napkins & reusable containers. And thanks to your inspiration, I’m planning to use cloth diapers for our new baby arriving in the fall! What a great giveaway!
We got rid of our plastic baggies and have reusable bags. We also cloth diapered!
We use all natural products to clean our house and bring our own bags for grocery shopping.
Ahh, we’ve been doing so many wonderful things to help our planet – so much, that I started a blog not too long ago to document my journey 🙂 But if I had to choose just one thing to highlight, it would be replacing all of our cleaning products with homemade, non-toxic alternatives. Better for the planet, better for our health – Win/Win!
using cloth diapers, breastfeeding, recycling our plastics, paper and glass! 🙂
We are a family of 6 and typically our weekly trash is about two bags, while our recycling is at least double that. We recycle everything and are teaching our children the importance of recycling and not being wasteful.
I’d have to say our favorite way to help save the planet is sharing recycling, green cleaning, organic whole foods cooking, and simple living information with anyone who asks. I love helping others make changes that not only benefit their own family but all of us 🙂
Well the list of eco friendly things we do is long but my favorite has to be making all my own cleaners ( from dusting to dishwasher soap) I love knowing exactly whats in it 🙂
We have stopped using paper towels and now I’m always on the look out for some fun hand towels!
I too love my Klean Kanteens! I am very curious about these Takeya glass bottles…I think they may have to go on my wishlist 🙂