Posts Tagged ‘Mighty Nest

Duralex Dishware from Mighty Nest

As I write about often, I really hate plastic.  Not only is it horrible for the planet, but I believe plastic containers leach chemicals into the foods and drinks we consume. Quite simply, I avoid plastic whenever possible. Lately, fears about the health effects of BPA have deterred many consumers from plastic.  Manufacturers now proudly […]

Taking my Takeya Water Bottle Along + GIVEAWAY

I don’t think I am a judgmental person – I firmly believe that God made all of us different because we are all special.  Although I live a certain way, I don’t expect everyone to live like me.  That would be foolish!  However, I am pretty judgmental when I see someone drinking out of a […]

OGMama Relaxing Lavender Belly Butter

I can’t believe how quickly the last few weeks of my pregnancy are going.  While its been a long 37 weeks, I know from experience that little bundle will be here before I know it.  And my life will never be the same (again). Throughout all my pregnancies I relied on a daily slather of […]