Posts Tagged ‘christmas cookies

Holiday at Home

Last week Chris took the bigs (Evie and Mack) to a Jingle Ball concert hosted by a local radio station. He loaded up the car with their friends, watched five pop acts sing their one hit wonders, and returned home close to midnight. On a school night! It was a special memory for them to […]

Winning Rice Krispy Cookies

When I was growing up my mom did a fabulous job making Christmas a special time for her five children. Now that I have six of my own, I appreciate the time and effort it took for her to give us such warm and comforting memories. Her example is what motivates me to keep on […]

Great Great Grandma Betty’s Kolachky Recipe

And, just like that, Christmas is over. It seems like the season was especially short this year (probably because Mack’s winter break didn’t start until December 23rd!), but I’m not feeling the typical post-holiday blues (probably because we really did have a nice season of peace and love and toys). When I was growing up, […]

Finding Our Christmas Spirit

Christmas time. The time of the year when homes are cozy and warm, nights are quiet and peaceful, well-behaved children are wide-eyed and wonderful. Right. Right? Wrong. Earlier this month, as I have every year since Evie was born, I was stressing out with the expectations of what Christmas should be. Why did it seem […]

Christmas Cookie Party – and Pecan Olive Sandwiches?

On Saturday my Aunt Sheila invited the ladies of the family over for a holiday cookie swap party. We all brought 3 dozen of a home baked treat, and we all left with several varieties.  It was such a nice way to spend a sunny afternoon.  I wish we could all get together more often, […]

Christmas Cookies – Day 4

Christmas Eve is here! Perhaps one of the best parts about celebrating holidays as a married couple is merging family traditions and creating new ones in the process. When my husband was growing up his mom always made a cookie bar called a Chinese Chew. The recipe originated in a fundraising cookbook for her high […]

Christmas Cookies – Day 3

Christmas fun continues! I don’t want to believe that Christmas is the day after tomorrow. The kids really enjoy all the festive decorations and music, and I think we’ll all be a little sad when it comes time to pack everything away. My favorite part of today was when Mack danced for the first time! […]

Christmas Cookies – Day 2

Day 2 of Christmas cookie baking! Butterscotch Haystacks were a favorite in our household when I was growing up. Like yesterday’s Cornflake Wreath recipe, today’s cookies require no baking and are quite easy to make while juggling two little ones. My sister Caitie always made them, and even today while I made a batch at […]

Christmas Cookies – Day 1

When I was growing up my mom, sisters and I would spend an entire day every year baking Christmas cookies. We made dozens of several different varieties, and once everything was baked we’d assemble cookie plates for our aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends. Now that I have my own little family I am continuing the […]