Thoughts & Inspirations

Lay Off!

By now, anyone who spends even a minute on social media has seen the news report about the 4 year old who fell into the gorilla exhibit at the Cincinnati Zoo. At the end of the terrifying ordeal, a 17-year-old, 400-pound male lowland gorilla, was shot and killed by the zoo’s dangerous animal response team. And […]

I Won’t Call the Police if I See Your Kids Alone in a Car

Recently, the state of New York passed a bill that will outlaw letting kids under age 8 wait in the car without a guardian of at least age 12. After reading this opinion piece in the New York Post, I am more convinced than ever that this should not be a criminal act. I believe dragging […]

2015: A Year of Good

2015. A hundred years from now, what will people say about this year? What will be remembered? Probably that this was the year when terrorism of all kinds took hold. Or that this was another year when politicians did absolutely nothing. Or perhaps the world will remember the countries and people who did nothing to […]

Be Kind. No Exceptions.

Here we are, well into December, and I have yet to catch the Christmas spirit. Perhaps that is due to my family’s incredibly stressful and difficult fall. Or perhaps it is just because I am so BUSY. But, in all honesty, I think its because the world it just so broken. 2015 was a hard […]

Carry The Future

I like to think of myself as a minimalist (even though all the kid stuff in our house would lead one to believe otherwise), so I’ve mostly avoided all the unnecessary baby stuff during the past seven years of taking care of babies. No wipe warmers or grocery cart liners for us, thankyouverymuch. But, one […]


  By now, much of the world has seen the world’s saddest photo: This precious little person was named Aylan Kurdi, a 3 year old refugee fleeing war-torn Syria with his father, mother and 5 year old brother. They were crossing a 13 mile stretch of the Aegean Sea when their boat capsized. Aylan, his mother […]

For Jen & Rose – 100 Years Later

This weekend marks the 100th anniversary of the SS Eastland disaster. On July 24, 1915 the passenger ship with 2,572 day tourists rolled over into the Chicago River, taking 844 souls with her as she sank 20 feet to the muddy bottom. All on-board were families of Western Electric employees, gathered for a leisurely cruise […]

A Grand Hand Gesture

Chris and I met 14 years ago. We started dating 12 years ago. We have been married for nearly 9 years. We are deep in the thick of parenthood, so we sneak in kisses and hugs whenever possible (much to the delight of our kids who loooove to comment on our PDAs). For the most […]

A Billion Little Kindnesses

So it happened. Again. Another mass shooting. Innocent lives gone at the whim of a lunatic. What are we going to do about this? I don’t know. Raising small kids in a world where random and horrific violence is now commonplace, I am at a loss. No one teaches us how to talk to our […]

So Little Time

I haven’t had much time to write lately. Because, frankly, I am just so busy. These days I barely have time to brush my hair, let alone sit quietly at a computer for a few minutes! But, writing this blog means that I am able to carve out time for me, so when I don’t […]

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