Health & Wellness

Skin Cancer Awareness Month

May is skin cancer awareness month, so this seems like a good opportunity to encourage everyone to reduce exposure to the sun and GET YOUR SKIN CHECKED EVERY FREAKIN’ YEAR. Trust me on this. Please. Late last fall I noticed a few little bumps on the back of my neck. I hadn’t felt them before, […]

This One’s For My Girls

Even though I live in a big city with my big family, often I feel lonely. With so much to do, I don’t have enough time or opportunities to meaningfully connect with people. I know am lucky to surround myself with (a lot of) little humans who adore me, but sometimes I just want a […]

A Break From My Break at Float Sixty

Ever since I broke my ankle four weeks ago most of my mental energy has been spent on healing as quickly as possible. Many times throughout every day I relax and direct positivity (and blood flow) to the injury. Heal, I say to myself. Let the bone grow stronger every moment. Let my bone knit […]

Better Bone Building

It has been exactly 18 days since I broke my ankle. With life still happening around me, I am doing everything I can to maximize my chances for a speedy recovery. I am basically just waiting to heal. When I met with my orthopedic doctor for the first time, I made it very clear to […]

Lessons Learned

Summer. The blissful four months in Chicago when the kids and I walk everywhere – parks, beaches, Michigan Avenue. We might hop the Red Line to Chinatown. Or jump on a bus to State Street. It isn’t unreasonable for us to cover five miles a day via foot, scooter and stroller. I LIVE for this […]

Early Rise

I have been up since 2 am. I fell asleep last night at 8:45 (!!), so by the time the twins woke up for their middle of the night feeds and cuddles I had already enjoyed a solid five hours of sleep. By 2:00, I was more rested than I’ve been in a year, so […]

Sleepless in Chicago

The old saying “sleep when the baby sleeps!” sounds so reasonable and hopeful and optimistic. Why of course! I should sleep when the baby sleeps. But the problem with that old saying is that it conveniently forgets about the pesky little truth called life. Life keeps happening even though there is a newborn in the […]

An Apple a Day

We recently switched the kids’ pediatrician. The practice we were going to since Evie was born was personal and nice, but it was up in the suburbs and not at all convenient (especially when the kids came down with a random ailment right in the middle of rush hour). Almost immediately, I knew the first […]

Keeping Track of the Dose

Poor Ben. His big first brithday rolled around last week, and what was he given??? An ear infection! I feel terrible because he probably had it for DAYS before it was diagnosed, but in nearly 7 years of parenting only one kid has had an ear infection once (Mack, when we were in Mexico of […]

Sick Day

It is late on a Sunday night, and this is the first time in four days that I’ve had a moment to catch my breath and sit with my thoughts. It has been a long weekend – both literally and figuratively. Mack left school early on Thursday with complaints of a cough and general ickiness. […]

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