During this whole shelter-at-home thing, I am really working hard to keep things in perspective. Yes, I am incredibly sad for so many reasons (kids missing school, social events cancelled, working from home challenges), but I am also well aware that things could be much, much worse. My husband and I have the privilege of working from home during this crisis. My kids have Chromebooks and teachers sending assignments. We have food in the pantry. We are healthy.
In many ways, this time feels like an unexpected summer break or extended Christmas vacation. Without all the special things that come along with those times. And double the challenges. So, maybe it actually feels nothing like summer or Christmas. Sigh…
One of my biggest frustrations has been food supply. I am grocery shopping no more than once a week, so the mental math required to stretch every crumb is rather precise. The kids are bored at home and they just want to graze all day. This morning my sister Meghan, who excels at all things domestic, texted this picture of a quick morning snack plate she prepared for her family:
I was so grateful for this inspiration! My kids have been not-so-slowly dismantling the kitchen stock on a near minutely basis for the past four weeks. Meghan’s idea was an easy solution to our problem.
This morning once the breakfast dishes were cleared I prepared a similar snack buffet. As I set it on the kitchen table I told the kids that THIS IS IT until lunchtime. No scrounging through the fridge. No rummaging through the pantry. They were delighted and they set about dismantling the display within minutes. One hour later and they have followed my policy.
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Such wonderful children! So well behaved! They are lucky to have you as a mother!