Little Vivian is such a snuggle bug. She loves being held – some days I feel like I never put her down. I have to admit that I actually really like it. Her skin is soft and the top of her head smells so good and her baby breath is so sweet and warm. During our marathon cuddle sessions I like to close my eyes and press pause on life…just for a few seconds.
However, I also have Evie and Mack vying for my attention and affection and energy. I can’t hold Vivian while playing dolls with Evie or tickling Mack. But, thanks to the Moby Wrap, my new favorite baby carrier, I can take care of lots of small tasks while keeping my littlest one extra close.
What I like best about the Moby Wrap is the closeness is provides for Vivian and me. He little ear rests on my heart, and I have to believe the muffled rhythm soothes her tiny spirit. Her arms and legs are not dangling free like with other carriers; the Moby Wrap keeps all of her newborn parts snug against my body, and I suspect Vivian feels as secure as she did when she was still in my womb.
Using the Moby Wrap was much easier than I expected. I thought I would be a little overwhelemed and intimidated by the process of wrapping it around my body, but after one try I completely had the hang of it. Right now I’m using the Newborn Hug Hold, keeping Vivian snug against me in the fetal position. But as she gets older there are other Holds I can try so she can face forward or sit on my side.
As a bonus, if I’m wearing a cooperative shirt, the Moby Wrap allows me to discreetly nurse Vivian while we’re on the go. When we were hiking a few weeks ago I kept her tummy full without having to stop and sit down. Last weekend we were in Wisconsin, and I nursed her while the kids were running crazy through the resort. Its a perfect solution for moms-on-the-go.
© Copyright 2025 Homemade Mothering | A Back to Basics Approach to Mothering and Homekeeping
Where did you go in WI?
I loved the moby wrap, too. I learned to put it on before getting in the car for errands, and that way I could get Jimmy out of his carseat and into the wrap without messing with it in the parking lot.
Courtney, we went to Lake Lawn Resort in Delavan, WI. I used to go there as a kid, so it was fun to return with my kids.
LOVE your tip to putting on the Moby before a car ride. I am totally going to do that this afternoon!!
Courtney, I do the same thing!
It is so unbelievably easy! I feel bad every time I see a mommy struggling with a carseat in the store or trying to put on in the cart at the grocery store.
Most recently I brought mine on our trip to Seattle. Seattle is full of small sidewalks, LOTS of ppl and lots of staircases that are horrible if you have a bulky stroller.
I really recommend having a moby wrap if you’re on the go. I can let my LO fall asleep whenever he wants cuz he’s in the moby wrap so I know he’s safe.
And yes, as Maureen pointed out. With a cooperative shirt, breastfeeding is really easy.
Oh, I’m so glad you have discovered the joys of a Moby! :~) A friend got one for me before I have my little guy, and I loved it!
The only problem that I have with ours (and we have 2 Mobys now!) is that I’m short (5 foot even) so there’s not much torso to work with. My daughter is 7 weeks old and no matter what I do, her head rests way up by my collar bone. Not going to complain too much – she’s right there for quick kisses and she always seems happy when I wear her. I just wish I were a bit taller!
So glad that you have been able to keep the healthy active lifestyle with a third little one around. Makes me hope that we will be able to do the same as our family grows in the years to come. With just one right now we have been busy between families, church activities and getting out and enjoy being a family. I too put it on before I leave the house so that it is always ready when we get to where we are going. I was never able to get my little boy to relax enough to eat on the go in the Moby but boy have we done just about everything else with him in it as a family. Enjoy!
I have a Moby wrap, too! I got my wrap because I want to raise my children as close as possible to nature’s intentions. Primitive civilizations are a good model for nature’s intentions. Mother’s wore their babies for practicality in daily life and fed their babies whole, natural, clean food (and breast milk!). The human race thrived then, but grew to a point where we are having difficulty sustaining the earth, now. I just want to be good to nature and good to my babies! 🙂