We recently had the 20-week ultrasound for Baby #3. Even though this is the third time around for us, the whole process still amazes me. I get so excited with every little kick, and the doctor’s appointments can be reassuring and interesting.
With each pregnancy, I find myself following my baby’s development (the weekly emails from BabyCenter are always so much fun to read – right now my baby is the length of a spaghetti squash!). What strikes me is how quickly two cells turn into so much more. At just four weeks, the tiny person has skin, hair and the beginnings of a nervous system. By six weeks, the baby has a heartbeat (and it is so wonderful to hear it at the first doctor’s visit!). Once the big 20-week ultrasound rolls around, the little one can suck its thumb, yawn, stretch and give a little kick to say “Hi, Mom!”
Mother Nature so elegantly created each one of us. All human beings – all 7 billion of us! – are walking miracles. Somehow, all our little parts and pieces come together to form a complete human body. You are a miracle!!
I know there are families waiting so patiently and desperately for their tiny miracle. I hope those families know that I send prayers and good thoughts and positive energy out in to the universe in hopes it reaches them. All women who dream of being mothers deserve the chance, and however their tiny miracles someday reach them – whether it be through IVF or adoption or a pleasant surprise – let us rejoice in another new life joining our extended human family!
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So, so true. Congratulations, Maureen!