Litter Police

Have I created a monster? Has my obsession with protecting our planet spread to my two year old?

I think so…

We take long walks every day. The city offers so much for our little family to do, and so I put the kids in the stroller and walk just about anywhere we need to go. If the adventure lies a bit too far for walking, we’ll jump on the bus. Today, Evelyn felt like walking with me, so I let her out of the stroller and slowed down my pace.

However, I didn’t expect to go as slow as we did. With every piece of litter on the ground Evie would stop, point, and exclaim “Oh no! Why they do that???” I explained to her that some people are rude and lazy and choose to throw their trash on the ground instead of in a garbage can. She was very bothered by this notion, and I had to stop her from picking up every little piece.

Such a good little eco-warrior!!

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2 Comments for this entry

  1. Tegan Fisher says:

    Too cute! My little Jack does exactly the same think except…he exclaims Uh-oh….litter…bad!

  2. Lisa Sharp says:

    Aw how sweet!

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