This week I am very pleased to introduce you to Rachel Crawford, co-founder of Teamotions. I first learned about Teamotions from my friend Jeanne who is a Teamotions consultant. She is so passionate about the teas and the company, so I wanted to learn more about how it all started. Sure enough, the women behind the brand are as thoughtful as the product they sell.
Homemade Mothering: Welcome, Rachel! Thanks for taking to the time to chat with me. To get started, tell me a little bit about yourself.
Rachel Crawford: I am from a little town called Ojai in Southern California. I am the oldest of three girls. I graduated from Westmont College in 2003 with a degree in Political Science. I married a Marine from Texas in 2005 and lived in San Diego for 8 years and now live in the Jacksonville area of North Carolina. I have two boys ages 7 and 3. I am a stay-at-home work-at-home mom
HM: How did the idea for Teamotions come to you and your sister?
RC: Teamotions is more than a tea company; it’s part of my personal journey. My youngest sister is my business partner and the idea for Teamotions came to us after the deaths of my twin daughters in 2008 just weeks after they were born.
Struggling to cope, I found solace in tea.
One day my sister Crystal said, “I wish there was something I could put in your tea to make you feel better.” Knowing nothing like that existed, we decided to create it. Our handcrafted teas are blended with adaptogens- herbs that boost immunity, restore balance, help the body respond to and cope with stress, and foster emotional well-being- transforming a simple cup of tea into a truly healing experience.
Our goal is to bring back into focus the inherent human need for emotional health and wellness. Tea is our chosen vessel, our means of reaching out to others in a tangible way to express something intangible; our genuine care for their emotional well-being. It is our belief that a meaningful existence is impossible without emotional wellness.
HM: Was it hard to get the business up & running? What were some of the biggest obstacles you had to overcome?
HM: What has been the biggest reward since Teamotions launched?
RC: The biggest reward has been all the comfort and encouragement Teamotions has offered others. We get emails daily saying thank you for our teas. They really touch lives and encourage people to heal and care for others.
RC: Know what it is your selling. Know your target market. Don’t have too many products. But most importantly, be ready to work 100 times harder than you thought you would have to. Hard work really does make a difference, luck has very little to do with business success.
HM: When you’re not running your tea empire, what do you like to do with your free time?
RC: I have very little free time as I not only run my company, but I have young children and my husband is often deployed. But when I do have a moment I love to cook or spend time with a close friend. Wine tasting is also an occasional outing I LOVE to go on.
HM: My readers love trying new recipes. Can you share one of your favorites with us?
RC: One of my favorite recipes is so simple: Roasted Organic Carrots.
Cut carrots into sticks, toss in olive oil, lay out on a backing sheet and sprinkle with salt and pepper and any herbs you like (I enjoy thyme) and bake at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes until browned and tender. Serve as a side dish or an appetizer with herbed greek yogurt or thai peanut sauce for dipping. SO GOOD. A cup of our FIND STRENGTH tea iced goes well with this delightful healthy snack. Even kids will eat these up.
Check out Teamotions at:
Stop by my friend Jeanne’s site to place an order:
© Copyright 2025 Homemade Mothering | A Back to Basics Approach to Mothering and Homekeeping
I will definitely have to try these! You have a very moving story. Wish you the greatest success!