Just put together this lovely little dessert for tonight using leftover cookie dough and whipped topping from the treat I made for the 4th of July. Such a versatile recipe – it can easily go from a casual BBQ to a quiet evening at home. Today’s version is baked in a 6″ cake pan and topped with sliced organic peaches and a single strawberry. Reminds me of a brown-eyed Susan flower!
I am always on the look-out for simple ways to make my husband and daughter feel loved. Chris has been especially busy lately, so I know he’ll appreciate this small surprise. I think a lot of people these days think that in order to make someone feel special lots of money must be spent. But, a lot of little things can really add up. Sure, fancy dinners at hip restaurants are fun and fancy presents are always exciting, but there are so many homemade ways to celebrate life everyday!
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