Oh Mack.
That kid just never gives me a break. Nothing gets past him – nothing! – and he never – never! – stops moving. He has been this way since he was born – speed and action course through his veins. There is literally no stopping him.
But with all his hard living comes hard loving. He wants, needs, craves love and affection and attention. His feelings are easily hurt when he is excluded or when he sees people breaking the rules. He might be a big five year old, but he is still a little boy. He has a tough exterior and a smushy, lovable, snuggly interior.
For the past year he has held a grudge because he thinks Evie gets more special time with me. Yes, I take him to shows at the Chicago Children’s Theatre and he is my sidekick in the kitchen most afternoons. But, he wanted to make a fun memory with me.
Just me and him. Me and my boy. Sigh.
Living in the city, I often overlook destinations that seem destined for tourists. But, that didn’t stop Mack from noticing the Blue Man Group posters gracing the sides of buses and riding atop taxi cabs. For the past year he has PLEADED with me to take him to see Blue Man Group. Finally, last weekend I granted his wish!
The show was AWESOME. As soon as the lights dimmed, Mack’s face glowed from within. He loved every second. It was PERFECT for him: plenty of action, lots of laughs (what’s not to love about a grand finale song all about butts?!), flashing lights, paint splattering, marshmallow smooshing, giant balls dropping from the ceiling. It was beautiful and thoughtful and FUN.
At the start of the show, a lovely quote graced the stage:
I love that this quote encourages us to create something, anything, when deepening a connection with a fellow human. In asking for more special time with me, Mack wanted to establish a connection. He didn’t ask for a new toy or a new outfit – he asked for the creation of a memory. For me and my family, time well spent is the most precious gift of all. Which is just what our outing to Blue Man Group was for me and my Mack. I will always remember his excitement at the show. Always.
After the show we grabbed dinner – Mack wanted to try lobster. He hated it. And then we got ice cream while walking along a leafy city street. A pretty nice memory!
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