Posts by Maureen

About Maureen

Easter Egg Hunt

When I was growing up, my dad put on an annual Easter egg hunt for my four siblings and me. He numbered the eggs we dyed with our mom, and then he numbered king size candy bars so every egg matched with a candy bar. After the hunt, we traded in our collected eggs for […]

Free Range in the City

My husband texted me a link yesterday about Utah’s new “free-range parenting” law that passed. Although neither of us knew such a law was in the works, we were both so happy to see it happen. The law exempts from the definition of child neglect various activities children can do without supervision, permitting “a child, whose […]

Little Strawberry Pies with My Big Boy

My Ben. He just turned 4 and has officially declared himself to be a Big Boy. I have to remind myself that he is right – 4 means he’s left the toddler years behind and he is ready for more. He had his 4-year check up with the pediatrician this morning, and even though he […]

The Kind of Day!

Yesterday was the day. The day we wait for all winter long. The day when we all know that spring is not far off! It was the kind of day that is chilly in the shade but too hot for a coat in the sun. The kind of day when the birds can’t help but […]

Irish Beef and Guinness Stew

Holidays like St. Patrick’s Day are so great because they are low low low stress. No gifts to shop for or extravagant meals to cook. Just a nice excuse to have a little fun! In the spirit of the season, we invited my grandparents over for dinner last weekend. I cooked a simple Irish meal of […]

When We Choose to Shop Local

Sweet Benjamin recently turned 4 years old. He was supposed to be the baby (until the twins surprised us!), so I still think of him as my little guy. I told him that he wasn’t allowed to turn 4 because he had to turn 1 again. Le sigh. Ben is the prince of hand-me-downs. He […]

All You SEED is Love

We’re cruising through winter. Well, limping through winter. Although my family has avoided the nasty flu going around, we’ve had more than our fair share of stomach bugs and runny noses. I’ve always said that I wished Christmas came later in winter just to give us something to think about and look forward to during […]

Faith in Humanity: Restored!

So I meant to write this post months ago, but then school and holidays and sick kids and life distracted me…so here goes: We took a great trip to Europe in August. As I’ve written about before, my favorite souvenirs to bring home from a vacation are pictures so I brought our nice Nikon D90 […]


Here we go again. Again, America’s presdient spoke in manner wholly unbecoming of the leader of the free world. In a manner that directly conflicts with so much of what I believe. When the Chicago Tribune shared an opinion piece “Your response to Trump’s racist ‘shithole’ comment will be remembered” yesterday I took it to […]

Barf Bucks

The kids went back to school today after two weeks of winter break. This year’s break felt extra long (not necessarily a bad thing) for a few reasons: 1. Christmas fell on a Monday, so we just had one day between school and the holiday festivities, giving us 14 days to fill with activities and […]

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