I dropped Evie off at her first sleepaway camp yesterday. Much to my surprise, a few months ago she decided she wanted to spend a few nights away from home and on her own. I am proud of my first born – she stepped out of her comfort zone to try something new. She was smiling when we pulled into the camp’s dusty driveway, but by the time I dropped her off at her cabin, she was sobbing. I hugged her a dozen times, gave her a dozen kisses, and told her she would have a wonderful week. She seemed content as she returned to the cabin, but as I left my big girl in the woods tears started to well in my eyes. How could she be old enough to survive for five nights without her mama?!
Fast forward just six hours and I was sitting in the emergency room with Ben. The poor little bugger dropped a crystal glass on his foot, slicing just below his large toe. The moment I saw the bloody damage I knew it meant stitches, so off we went to Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago right before bedtime on a humid summer Sunday night. He was a trooper, and after lots of tears (his and mine!), three stitches and 4+ hours we made it home shortly after midnight.
I suppose this is the kind of contrast that plays out with a big family. Someone always needs me. Always. Just as one is stretching her wings another is crying for help. Just when one needs less of me, another needs more. When I think life might quiet down for a moment, it inevitably amplifies. But, this is my job, my calling in life right now. Mom to many.
This afternoon, as I finished up this blog post and Ben napped so contentedly in my big bed, I got a phone call from an unfamiliar number. I answered. It was the camp.
Evie misses me and wants to come home.
© Copyright 2025 Homemade Mothering | A Back to Basics Approach to Mothering and Homekeeping
Oh this is so sweet. Made me tear up.
I hope you are able to rescue Evie! Maybe the next day
If not right this minute? I am
Free to collect her after work on Tuesday! Busy moms meed a life line every now & then….I’m available!
Maureen, I well understand what you feel as I feel exactly same with my boys. Even though I only have two, but they always need me and that makes me sometime exhausted.
We mothers are always doing great. We give kids big peace of mind just standing by them.