Posts Tagged ‘baby blanket

Baby Clothes

With just about two months until Baby #4 arrives, the all too familiar nesting instinct is starting to kick in.  My sister Colleen returned our co-sleeper to us now that her son has outgrown it, so Chris and the kids set it up a few days ago.  I can’t believe our next little man will […]

Knitting Baby Shower in the News

The super cute knitting baby shower my mom, sisters and grandma hosted for me last year was recently mentioned on as a green alternative to the usual baby shower.  Instead of giving me more stuff, my relatives and friends knit squares of a warm and cozy baby blanket.  Such a sweet way to welcome […]

Knitting Shower in the News

The fun and creative Knitting Baby Shower my sisters, mom and grandma hosted for baby Mack is mentioned in an article. Check out my original post on this original idea. What a fun and casual way to celebrate a new baby! Did you like this? Share it:Tweet

Baby Blanket for Baby #2

Last week my grandma, mom, and sisters hosted a special party in honor of my second baby (due two days ago!). As I already have more than I need to take care of a newborn, they decided to invite the ladies of my family to a knitting shower. We all had to knit an 8″x8″ […]