A New York Morning

We took the kids to New York City last week.  We lived there more than four years ago when Evie was a baby, and it was one of the happiest times in my life.  Just me and my tiny girl during the day, making the most of an incredible city.   Here we are in Central Park celebrating her first Halloween.

Had I known then that four years later I would be traveling the same streets with three children I would have been beside myself with gratitude. What a difference a few years makes.

Chris had a few meetings during last week’s trip, so I was alone with the kids for a full day.  Before the trip I was a little overwhelmed with the prospect of navigating a huge city on my own with three little ones.  But, I quickly reminded myself that I do it everyday here in Chicago, so I had no reason to worry.

We spent Friday morning at the Central Park Zoo.  Mack was thrilled to run free and long and hard.  Up the hill to the snow leopard, down the hill to the polar bear, warming up in the Tropic Zone, falling into a stream at the Children’s Zoo. He was in heaven. When it came time to leave, I had to drag him out of there.

Hailing a cab in NYC is a challenge.  Hailing a cab with a stroller and three kids in tow is close to impossible.  To get to the zoo, I hid Evie, Mack and the stroller around the corner of a building, and when a cab pulled up I opened the door and waived them over.  The cab driver was not pleased.  To get back to our hotel in Chelsea, I’d have to find a cab near the Park or Times Square.  That wasn’t going to happen.

So, we walked.  44 blocks, to be exact. I know I looked like a huge nerd pushing two big kids in a crappy double umbrella stroller with a baby strapped to my body.  Police officers said, “God Bless you, ma’am.”  Cute twenty-something girls said, “Ohmygod she has three kids!” Older tourists said under their breath, “Did you see that mom alone with three kids?” If I wasn’t so secure and delighted and joyful with my current role in life, I would have been embarrassed.

Much to my surprise, all three kids handled the long walk very well.  Vivian fell asleep in her baby carrier, and Evie and Mack asked questions and made comments about the sights.  It was a beautiful, mild, sunny December morning in New York City.  Not a bad way to spend a Friday.

We strode into Chelsea just as Mack reached his limit.  To reward them for their good behavior, I treated them to a slice of NYC pizza for lunch.

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2 Comments for this entry

  1. What a striking portrait of cultural shifts – that a mom with three kids is now the oddest thing you’d see on a NYC street corner?! Good for you for braving the day – sounds like you made an amazing one for your kiddos!

  2. Hannah says:

    Way to go, Maureen! I lived in NYC for a year while going to school for my MA, and even I get a little overwhelmed imagining navigating it with a kiddo … much less three. Good for you!

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