
For Evie’s birthday this year, my parents gave her a Micro scooter.  Hot pink, of course.  As soon as Mack saw it, a not-so-tiny spark of jealousy ignited.  All the kids in our neighborhood have one, and now his sister did, too.  He wanted one!!!

Mack’s birthday passed a few months ago, but I wanted him to enjoy a scooter this summer.  I checked Craigslist for a used one with no luck (no mom in her right mind is giving up one of these scooters!).  So, I contacted the company and sure enough they had a blue one in stock and ready to ship.

I only write about products I truly, truly love, and these scooters are just so awesome that I have to share the love.  Evie and Mack want to take them everywhere, and fortunately the shops in our city neighborhood are pretty welcoming to kids on scooters.  The kids glide quickly from our house to the park to the grocery store. It’s nice to see them so confident in their ability to get around town.

Mack’s Maxi Kick Scooter is extremely easy for him to maneuver.  He navigates our city sidewalks like a pro, stopping carefully whenever we approach a stop light or alley way.  I am so proud of the little man he is becoming.

We do almost all our errands on foot, and as big kids Evie and Mack are just not interested in sitting in the stroller.  I love these Micro scooters because they enable my family to get around our neighborhood a lot faster than if Evie and Mack were just walking.  I have to jog (with Vivian in the stroller) just to keep up with them!

There are always at least a few neighborhood kids riding their Micro scooters in our courtyard.  Of course, Evie and Mack join in, and after an afternoon on wheels they are exhausted and ready for bed.  Just another reason for me to love Micro 🙂

I was just checking out Kickboard USA‘s site, and I noticed a little 3-in-1 scooter for ages 1-5.  Perhaps it is time Vivian has her own…!!

Maxi Kick Scooter: http://www.kickboardusa.com/childrens-kids-kick-scooter/maxi-micro-kick-scooter

Mini Kick Scooter: http://www.kickboardusa.com/childrens-kids-kick-scooter/mini-micro-kick-scooter

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1 Comment for this entry

  1. Hi Maureen – I just wanted to say thank you for an awesome post on the Mini Micro and Maxi Micro scooters – love the photos of Mack and Evie! Nicely written and you definitely did a great job of capturing the qualities that parents and kids love about the Mini Micro and the Maxi Micro. Also, readers might want to know that we have a limited quanity of the Maxi on sale (the USA edition only) – they are selling for $89.99, down from $129.99. Lets stay in touch and maybe we could do a back to school giveaway! thanks again and best wishes, Julie http://www.kickboardusa.com

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