Its nice to see cloth diapering getting some positive attention from mainstream media. Cloth diapering isn’t just for hippies or eco-freaks or frugalites. Real families are making the simple choice to diaper their babies in cloth for a wide variety of reasons. Quite simply, cloth diapers are better for the planet, better for babies and better for your bank account.
I launched Terra Baby hoping to normalize cloth diapering. Terra Baby offers a simple pocket diaper design that anyone can use comfortably and confidently. I promise that cloth diapering today is easier than it was when our grandmothers had to do it.
Congrats on the publicity! We use cloth diapers and love them. It really is so easy and saves a ton of money…especially since they can be passed on to any future babies. Thanks for promoting something that improves our planet and health (I’m convinced they are much healthier for our babies than conventional disposable diapers).
Homemade Mothering is a movement that aims to simplify life and foster self-reliance while being kinder to our families and the planet. Its about encouraging people to get back to the basics when it comes to mothering and homekeeping.
Congrats on the publicity! We use cloth diapers and love them. It really is so easy and saves a ton of money…especially since they can be passed on to any future babies. Thanks for promoting something that improves our planet and health (I’m convinced they are much healthier for our babies than conventional disposable diapers).