Posts Tagged ‘twin pregnancy

Life Language

One of the best things about my pregnancy with the twins was sharing it with our big kids. Evie was with me at my 20 week ultrasound when we found out it was twins! Vivian and Ben came with me to a fetal non-stress test. Mack attended a routine check up with my OB. It […]

Botched: An Epidural Story

When I delivered Elinor and Juliet three weeks ago I opted to have an epidural. To many people it seems like an obvious choice, but because I’ve delivered single kids without the pain blocker I actually would have preferred to go drug free for babies #5 & 6… …but, everyone – and I mean everyone! […]

Elinor Rose and Juliet Johanna

Twelve days ago, two little new miracles joined our world. I’d like you to meet Elinor Rose and Juliet Johanna. After what felt like the longest pregnancy in the history of the world, we welcomed our girls at 36 weeks. And after eight hours of Pitocin and a botched epidural (a story for another day), […]

The Last Supper

The babies are coming. Soon. Like, today. Despite the flurry of the past few weeks, with nesting in full gear and a to-do list that never ended, Chris and I took the kids out for one last dinner as a family of six last night. We went to Club Lago, our favorite neighborhood family restaurant, […]

Swimming Lesson

Ugh. Of all the aches and pains associated with this pregnancy, perhaps the most persistent and annoying has been the feet/ankle/calf swelling. It is worse while sitting, moderately better while walking, and minimally improved while laying with my feet propped up. Walking is uncomfortable. Sleeping is uncomfortable. Moving is uncomfortable. I’m uncomfortable. All the time. […]

NST = Not So Terrible

For the past few weeks I’ve been going to the hospital twice a week for fetal non-stress tests. The nurses and doctors monitor the babies’ heartbeats, my blood pressure and contractions, and they occasionally draw blood and perform a quick ultrasound. It really is no big deal, and I’m in-and-out in about an hour. But, […]

24 Weeks and 1 Day

By my very nature, I don’t like to make a fuss. I don’t like extra drama. I don’t like asking for help. But, late last week I had to put all that aside when our twins tried to make their grand arrival. At 24 weeks and 1 day. I woke up Friday morning not feeling […]

Homemade Heating Pad

Now at 23 weeks along in my pregnancy with twins, I’m feeling the aches and pains I felt when I was 33 weeks with the first four babies. Perhaps the most nagging is the round ligament pain, a burning, searing, jabbing sensation on the left side of my lower belly. At times it is almost […]