Posts Tagged ‘twin labor and delivery

Life Language

One of the best things about my pregnancy with the twins was sharing it with our big kids. Evie was with me at my 20 week ultrasound when we found out it was twins! Vivian and Ben came with me to a fetal non-stress test. Mack attended a routine check up with my OB. It […]

Botched: An Epidural Story

When I delivered Elinor and Juliet three weeks ago I opted to have an epidural. To many people it seems like an obvious choice, but because I’ve delivered single kids without the pain blocker I actually would have preferred to go drug free for babies #5 & 6… …but, everyone – and I mean everyone! […]

Elinor Rose and Juliet Johanna

Twelve days ago, two little new miracles joined our world. I’d like you to meet Elinor Rose and Juliet Johanna. After what felt like the longest pregnancy in the history of the world, we welcomed our girls at 36 weeks. And after eight hours of Pitocin and a botched epidural (a story for another day), […]