Posts Tagged ‘travel with kids

How We Travel With Six Kids + Minimal Stress

Since we took our family of eight on a two-week European holiday several people have asked me “how did you do it?” So, here’s how we did it: 1. Pack Light: For our trip to Europe, everyone packed about three days worth of clothes into their own backpack (including me and Chris!). To keep it […]

The Perfect Time to Take a Trip

We recently returned from a whirlwind trip to Europe. 12 days. Six countries. Six kids. It was awesome! Before, during and after the trip people told us we were crazy for embarking on such an adventure. The kids are too young to remember it! Not much of a vacation with all those kids! You guys […]

Be Kind. No Exceptions.

Here we are, well into December, and I have yet to catch the Christmas spirit. Perhaps that is due to my family’s incredibly stressful and difficult fall. Or perhaps it is just because I am so BUSY. But, in all honesty, I think its because the world it just so broken. 2015 was a hard […]

Air Travel with Kids

We have been fortunate enough to take a few trips with our kids lately.  New York and Connecticut in December. Mexico in March.  In January I flew solo to Jamaica with all three of them.  Many people thought I was nuts taking three kids age 4 and under on an international flight, but I politely […]