Posts Tagged ‘things to do with kids outdoors

Urban Adventure

The kids didn’t have school yesterday, a little fact I had forgotten until late Wednesday night. By the time Friday morning rolled around, I still hadn’t come up with a plan. But, the sun was shining and the skies were bright blue and temperatures were in the high 60s. A perfect day for an urban […]

Chicago Children in Chinatown

Chicago enjoyed some blissfully mild weather this past weekend. On Saturday we took a nice family walk to Lincoln Park along Lake Michigan. No coats, no hats, no problems! Sunday was equally as nice, so I wanted to take the kids on another trek around our city. Unfortunately, Chris had to teach a class, so […]

Nature Scavenger Hunt in the Big City

Today was absolutely beautiful. Warm sunshine, gentle breeze, clean air, perfect fall weather.  As any Chicagoan knows, its a good idea to take full advantage of weather like this.  Next week it could very easily freeze! I was determined to spend the entire afternoon outdoors, but without a traditional backyard I need to get creative.  […]