Posts Tagged ‘potty training with cloth diapers

The Potty Training Manifesto

Several years ago I shared a post titled “The Cloth Diapering Manifesto” outlining my knowledge on cloth diapering.  It got a lot of parents thinking about cloth diapering, and I was happy to spread my love of cloth.  Now that I have successfully potty trained two kids by the age of 2, I thought I’d […]

Groovy Cheeks Cloth Diapers

I love how wide the eco-mama network reaches.  My best friend Laura recently moved to Kentucky (sniff, sniff), and even though she is far away now we still encourage and support each other.  While she was working on an article about cloth diapering she met Mika Pryor, a fellow mother who recently started up her […]

Homemade Mothering’s Cloth Diapering Manifesto in the News!

Looking for a way to save a few thousand dollars while saving the planet, too?  Then perhaps it is time to consider using cloth diapers on your precious babes.  We’ve used them since my 2 1/2 year old daughter was born and haven’t regretted it since. The best part about cloth diapering?  Potty training!  While […]