Posts Tagged ‘plastic bags

A Bad Bag Ban

All summer the eco-geek inside me had been looking forward to August 1. That was the day when our fine city was to join the likes of Seattle, Portland and Boulder, CO with a ban on flimsy plastic grocery store bags. I was so excited… …until I realized our ban was no ban at all […]

Reason #87 Why I HATE Plastic Bags

It is no secret that I am a little nuts about plastic. As I’ve said before, unless it is delivering medicine via an IV line or protecting my kids head as a bicycle helmet, all our plastic use is totally, totally out of control.  We abuse, misuse and overuse this modern innovation to a sickening […]

Reusable Produce Bags – Yippee!

As I’ve written about countless times before, I really really REALLY hate plastic.  One of the sneakiest plastic offenders, in my opinion, are the flimsy plastic produce bags from the grocery store.  While they can certainly be reused (or recycled, in a pinch), I have a sneaky suspicion that most of them end up in […]

The Homemade Way to Take Out the Trash

No matter how hard I try to avoid plastic bags, they always seem to creep into my home.  Considering that nearly 1 trillion crappy plastic bags are produced worldwide every year, its no surprise that avoiding them is tough, even for an eco-freak like me who keeps a stash of re-useable bags in the car […]

Overpackaging and Overbagging

On Sunday we took a family stroll to do some shopping along Michigan Avenue. Despite the crowds and hot stores and long lines Evelyn was a very good girl. To thank her, I let her choose a treat for herself on the walk home. It was no surprise to me that she asked for a […]

Reusable Bags Everywhere, Everytime!

I am thrilled to see so many people bringing reusable bags into the grocery store these days. It really is so uplifting to know that people finally recognize the wasteful nature of plastic grocery store bags. According data released by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, somewhere between 500 billion and a trillion plastic bags […]

Flimsy Plastic Produce Bags

While I LOVE all the reusable shopping bags now seen everywhere at the grocery store — Whole Foods always has such cute ones! — one thing that still irks me are the flimsy plastic produce bags people still insist on using. Its pretty humorous that we’ll buy apples that travel thousands of miles from an […]