Posts Tagged ‘homemade ice cream

Snow Day Ice Cream

Chicago finally got it’s first significant winter storm. A solid 28 hours of blizzarding dumped nearly two feet of snow, and even though the streets and alleys are a mess I think we’re all not-so-secretly excited about it. Everyone here is joking that the East Coast got five days of news coverage for their storm, […]

Kerrygold Irish Cream Shake

Oh, what a day. Three sick kids. One kid not cooperating. One baby up at 3:58 am (which means that I was up at 3:58 am). One sick babysitter who we all love and depend upon. A daunting to-do list that never seems to shorten. Worst of all, my grandma is so sick and her […]

The Healthiest “Ice Cream” You’ll Ever Try

My sister Meghan forwarded me a banana recipe from the Food Network the other day.  It was for a banana “ice cream,” and the recipe called for nothing more than bananas, peanut butter and honey.  It reminded me of a recipe I saw in a recent issue of Whole Living Magazine for a vegan “ice […]

Helado con Fresas

One of my husband’s favorite treats is ice cream. While I could take it or leave it, he really seems to enjoy it. So, I decided it was time to start making it at home. Ice cream from the grocery store has two problems: 1) its kinda pricey and 2) it is loaded with garbage. […]