Posts Tagged ‘exercise

A Grand Hand Gesture

Chris and I met 14 years ago. We started dating 12 years ago. We have been married for nearly 9 years. We are deep in the thick of parenthood, so we sneak in kisses and hugs whenever possible (much to the delight of our kids who loooove to comment on our PDAs). For the most […]

Work It

  At least four mornings a week, I wake up early and head to the gym for a one hour semi-personal training session at a boutique gym in my neighborhood.  The high-intensity class involves 30 minutes of treadmill work and 30 minutes of strength-training on the floor.  I’ve done this for the past year and […]

Morning Exercise

As I’ve written about before, I work-out a lot. At least five mornings a week I’m at my fitness studio for an intense 60 minute class with cardio and weight-lifting intervals.  I love the natural high that follows a hard-core work-out! Chris is borderline obsessed with his Cross-Fit work-outs.  He also goes at least five […]

Sweaty Bands – My New Fav Accessory!

I think I should write a book about all the things people don’t mention about pregnancy and childbirth. Sure, we’ve all heard about the weight gain and exhaustion, but no one ever bothered to warn me about the one thing that drives me nuts: post-pregnancy hair loss.  About three months after I give birth, my […]

Making Time for Exercise

A few months ago I joined Shred 415, a fitness studio here in the city. The gym offers hour-long semi-personal interval training classes that kick my butt and keep me motivated.  The classes are a nonstop combination of hardcore treadmill work and muscle burning floor exercises.  I leave every high-intensity class sweaty and exhausted, and […]