Posts Tagged ‘cross-fit

A Grand Hand Gesture

Chris and I met 14 years ago. We started dating 12 years ago. We have been married for nearly 9 years. We are deep in the thick of parenthood, so we sneak in kisses and hugs whenever possible (much to the delight of our kids who loooove to comment on our PDAs). For the most […]

Morning Exercise

As I’ve written about before, I work-out a lot. At least five mornings a week I’m at my fitness studio for an intense 60 minute class with cardio and weight-lifting intervals.  I love the natural high that follows a hard-core work-out! Chris is borderline obsessed with his Cross-Fit work-outs.  He also goes at least five […]

Paleo Fudge Pops

Chris joined a cross-fit gym several months ago.  Cross-fit is a professional, challenging and evidence-based work-out program that is designed to push users to the limit through encouragement and teamwork.  Chris really likes the competitive atmosphere of cross-fit, and his body is now fitter and healthier than its ever been.  In my humble opinion, he […]