Posts Tagged ‘BPA

Six Reasons I Don’t Buy Hand Sanitizer

So, a new report out this week demonizes hand santizer. And, I can’t say I’m surprised. I’ve avoided buying Purell and Germ-X for my family, and hopefully the rest of the world will come around to my point of view. Here’s why I just don’t like the goo my kids refer to as “germ gel”: […]

Duralex Dishware from Mighty Nest

As I write about often, I really hate plastic.  Not only is it horrible for the planet, but I believe plastic containers leach chemicals into the foods and drinks we consume. Quite simply, I avoid plastic whenever possible. Lately, fears about the health effects of BPA have deterred many consumers from plastic.  Manufacturers now proudly […]

Testing out the EIO Training Cup + GIVEAWAY

I’m always on the look-out for innovative kids products that are healthy and safe for my little ones.  So, when a high school friend (who is also a fellow eco-mom) sent me info about the EIO Kids Training Cup, I was instantly intrigued.  Because it uses a regular 8 oz glass canning jar it has […]

Fresh Pumpkin for Homemade Pumpkin Pie

Last week the Breast Cancer Fund released a report about concerning levels of BPA in many prepared Thanksgiving foods.  BPA, an estrogenic chemical linked to breast cancer, is most often found in plastics (one of many reasons I try to avoid plastic altogether).  However, BPA is also found in other surprising places like grocery store […]

A Conscious Consumer

How often do you consider a product’s packaging before you purchase it? For me, its every time. I am determined to reduce the amount of waste my family generates, so by questioning a product’s wrapping before I buy it I am trying to be a conscious consumer. Instead of just looking at the food in […]