Posts Tagged ‘baptism

Notre Dame Our Mother, Pray for Us!

We baptized our twins yesterday at what we consider to be heaven on earth: Notre Dame. Chris and I met there at the start of our senior year. The moment I met him I thought he was THE HOTTEST GUY ON THE PLANET – fast forward 16 years and I feel like the luckiest wife […]

Baby Ben’s Baptism

We recently celebrated Ben’s baptism.  The little man was six months old, and so it was time to celebrate his life with our family. It turned out to be a really lovely day, and I think baby Ben soaked up all the love and peace. Baptism means different things to different people.  I don’t believe […]

Holy Oil and Coconut Oil

I consider myself to be more spiritual than religious.  I have a deep appreciation for the grace and beauty of the world around us, and I have faith that a higher power is present in my everyday. Still, it is important to me that I give my kids a foundation upon which they can build […]