Ahhhhhh. Chicago. The old saying “if you don’t like the weather in Chicago, wait five minutes” couldn’t be truer than in the spring. A week ago we had snow, and today we enjoyed sunshine and 70 degrees. The kids and I spent the entire day outside, and when Chris suggested we walk to dinner we all agreed that it was a great idea. Living in the middle of a big city means that we are a 10 minute walk from just about anything we could ever need, including an outdoor pizza dinner on a Wednesday evening.
After our meal, we wandered through the neighborhood, taking the long way home. Mack and Evie raced down the sidewalks on their scooters, while Vivian and Ben happily glided along in the double stroller. Birds chirped, relieved like us that another brutal winter is behind us.
We stopped at the kids’ school to let Mack race around the empty parking lot on his scooter. He was so free and happy and fast. It wasn’t too long until he spotted a tree perfect for climbing. The little monkey bounded up the branches.
His arboreal acrobatics inspired normally timid Evie. She conquered a fear when she perched herself a few feet above ground.
Vivian ran full speed for nearly half a mile, quite a feat for a 3 year old who was already wiped out from a day spent in the fresh air! Untethered from winter’s trappings of boots and a coat and mittens, she gulped in spring in big, happy breaths.
And my baby. Ben. How happy he was to watch his big brother race on the scooter! And he could grab his toes (no socks! no snowsuit!). I’m sure he doesn’t remember what last spring was like (after all, he was only weeks old!), so the warm weather must be a new experience for him. So exciting!
As I watched my four precious creatures take in our fine city (at one point Evie declared “nature is so beautiful!”) I said to Chris, “I love our family.” I really do. I love this time in my life. And I love how our happiest moments really don’t require much planning or money…just each other.
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