I was recently interviewed for an article about green-themed New Year’s resolutions. At first it took me a while to come up with one – I make an effort every day to green my life. It quickly dawned on me that the best way for me to continue the green lifestyle is to share it more with my kids. At 2 1/2 Evelyn understands the concept of recycling, but now would be a good time to encourage her to switch off lights and limit water use while brushing her teeth. By fostering planet-minded habits at a young age I am training Evelyn and Mack to be lifelong stewards of their grandchildren’s planet.
In the spirit of the new year, perhaps it is time for you to consider ways to green your family’s lifestyle. Some simple ideas to get you started:
Give up paper towels and paper napkins
Buy groceries from a local co-op
Make homemade laundry detergent
Switch to cloth diapers for your babies
Quit bottled water and switch to a reusable bottle
Here’s the article with more ideas from other eco-minded women: http://www.celebrategreen.net/blog/new-year/make-a-change-for-green-in-2011
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Wonderful idea Maureen! I think of you every time I shop out here – every store, Target included, asks you to reuse bags (they may start charging a fee if you fail to comply). Also, they just updated our garbage process – we have HUGE compost & recycling containers, and a very tiny garbage can. It definitely forces you to think about everything you throw away…Happy New Year!!!