Tomorrow my baby turns 1.
This is my fourth first birthday, so I should be a pro at this by now. But, I can’t help but feel so emotional. Up until the age of 1, they are all my babies. But, after that they enter the toddler zone and life is never the same. So, today I’ve been choking back tears as I ponder all “the lasts” – the last time I’ll change his diaper as a baby…smell the top of his fuzzy head….kiss his soft cheeks. The last time I’ll feed him before he turns 1.
I think back a year ago. At 8:46 pm I was entering my 10th hour of off-and-on contractions…and I still had another 24 hours to go till the little miracle would arrive! It has been a year of so many stresses and sleepless nights, but sweet Ben is just so gosh-darn cheerful that I can’t help but smile whenever he flashes his nerdy grin my way. He brings great joy to us and the world around him!
I think one of the hardest parts about having kids is the constant reminder that time is passing. I might not feel like I’m a year older, but just one look at my kids and it is easy to see just how much can happen in a year. A year ago Ben was so fragile and tiny. And now he is so strong and robust and hearty. I wish I could slow things down so I could properly treasure and memorize every little moment. Alas, we can’t stop time, so we might as well enjoy the time we have.
Oh, this beautiful gift of life we are all given. It goes by in a flash.
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Ben is truly a little bundle of joy. Big hearts to him and to you today!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Awwwwww, thanks Kelly!!