Home » Child Care » Family Time at the Apple Orchard
We took a family trip to County Line Orchard in northwestern Indiana last weekend. It was such a nice way to spend our Sunday. Even though the orchard was a bit crowded, we managed to carve out our own pocket of space in the vast property, and for a long while it felt like we had the place to ourselves.
After a tractor ride touring the grounds, we elected to stop at the McIntosh grove as this is Chris’ favorite kind of apple. We couldn’t help but wonder if it is Mack’s favorite, too! The whole day he was so engaged and enthusiastic. The tractor ride elicited plenty of “whoa’s” from the little guy, and I’m pretty sure he took teeny bites off at least 10 apples. He loved running in between the trees and throwing rotten apples picked up off the ground. He seems so happy in the country.
This is the third year in a row we’ve been to County Line. I couldn’t help but think back to the first time we visited, when Evie was 1 and Mack was just a twinkle in the making. I remember Evie loved putting leaves – not apples! – into the bags…and it was especially warm that day…and I was in awe that my little girl was getting so big so fast. Fast forward two years, and Evie is talking nonstop and really helping collect apples. Time flies…
My parents always made an effort to maintain and develop family traditions. When I was growing up, every fall we’d visit an apple orchard one afternoon after school, and my three sisters, one brother and I looked forward to this outing all year. I am so grateful to my parents for taking the time to not only take us to the apple orchard, but also for teaching me about the importance of family time and togetherness. Life is short – make some memories!
We brought home enough apples to last us a good long while. I’m hoping for a couple hours to myself this weekend so I can try making these fried apple rings from How To: Simplify. What an indulgent way to serve up one of nature’s perfect treats!
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