Now that baby Ben is four months old, I feel like I am finally starting to feel like myself again. He still wakes up 2-3 times a night, but after a quick feeding he falls right back to sleep so I now much have more energy than I did after his birth. Every day offers us a little more routine, and we are all easing into the new normal.
For many purposes, the generally accepted post-partum stage lasts for six weeks after birth, but I think it lasts much longer than that. A new life in the family is hugely awesome and unexpectedly overwhelming, so to assume that I’ll be back to normal in just 40 days seems ridiculous to me!
Now is the time to take it easy on my body and nurture my healing and Ben’s growth. Fortunately, shortly after Ben’s arrival Earth Mama Angel Baby sent me a few items to try out. This line of all-natural and organic mama and baby products soothes and comforts without harsh chemicals or spooky toxins. In fact, all Earth Mama Angel Baby products are now rated a “zero” on the Skin Deep database (, a guide to cosmetics and personal care products from the Environmental Working Group.
I love the notion of soothing and protecting people at a vulnerable stage of life. New mothers need extra TLC, so I never understood why hospitals automatically dispense paraben-laden and artifically fragranced perineum spray and pads. Earth Mama Angel Baby makes Mama Bottom Balm without any questionable ingredients. I also love the cinnamon scented Postpartum Recovery Tea because it gave me an excuse to slow down for a moment.
Earth Mama Angel Baby sent some goodies for the littles, too. The Angel Baby Lotion is only lightly scented with natural fragrance, a great option for our family as we avoid everything with a factory inspired scent. And, should Ben ever get a diaper rash (not likely because he wears cloth diapers), I have the Angel Baby Bottom Balm on-hand. I have used it on the big kids’ summer scrapes and bruises, and they love how soft and soothing it is! Mack and Vivian are especially excited about the Happy Mama Hand-to-Toe Wash because the foamy soap smells good and is fun to use!
As a mom, it is normal for me to want to keep my kids happy and healthy, so I am glad Earth Mama Angel Baby gave me a chance to comfort myself and the babes!
© Copyright 2025 Homemade Mothering | A Back to Basics Approach to Mothering and Homekeeping
You know, I heard rave reviews about EMAB when I had my son three years ago. We cloth diaper, too, so once I had him, I purchased a few of their products … and I couldn’t stand the way they smelled! I ended up just having to give them away. :~(
That said, I’m curious to know if you’ve researched essential oils and whether you use any of them. I’ve used them for household cleaning for a long time but am just starting to learn about uses for ourselves.