New Frugality

Books to the Rescue!

Saturday. Or is it Wednesday? Does it even matter? Who knows?! Now in our umpteenth week of quarantine, the days are blurring together. Weekends don’t really feel special anymore, except for the fact that I don’t have to constantly herd the kids back to the dining table to finish their eLearning. To be honest, I […]

Bills, Bills, Bills

Lately I’ve been including Evie (age 8 ) and Mack (age almost 7) in bill paying. They are old enough to understand what money is and how it is earned, and now it is my job to help them appreciate what goes in to running a household. Someday they will have families of their own […]

Homemade Heating Pad

Now at 23 weeks along in my pregnancy with twins, I’m feeling the aches and pains I felt when I was 33 weeks with the first four babies. Perhaps the most nagging is the round ligament pain, a burning, searing, jabbing sensation on the left side of my lower belly. At times it is almost […]

Holiday Cards from

OK, so I know this post will make it seem like I’m soooo on top of things, but let me assure you that I am most definitely not. But, yesterday, I received my order of holiday cards. I spent part of an evening last week knocking this off my future to-do list, and I’m so […]

Disney Lite

I freely admit that I am a bit of a grump when it comes to Disneyworld. I respect that it is a very special place for lots of people, but waiting in long sweaty lines with lots of sweaty people just is not my idea of fun. Layer in anxious and exhausted kids, and I’d […]

Chicago Children in Chinatown

Chicago enjoyed some blissfully mild weather this past weekend. On Saturday we took a nice family walk to Lincoln Park along Lake Michigan. No coats, no hats, no problems! Sunday was equally as nice, so I wanted to take the kids on another trek around our city. Unfortunately, Chris had to teach a class, so […]

Keeping Busy in the City

It has been a long month. Earlier this summer, our landlord let us know that she needed to sell the home we were renting.  We didn’t want to move, so we scraped and scrambled to purchase our modest city home.  Many people wouldn’t think it is big enough for a family with four kids, but […]

What’s Old is New

One of the best parts about the school year that just ended is the friendship I formed with the mom of one of Evie’s kindergarten classmates.  Amy also has four kids, but her youngest is the age of my oldest, which means that she has tons of helpful advice to share.  She knows plenty of […]

Banana Oatmeal Muffins

Chris just finished doing our taxes.  I used to love doing the taxes (really!), but ever since Chris ventured into entrepreneurship everything has become so complicated so now April 15 is his deadline.  Unfortunately, this year we owe Uncle Sam a much heftier sum than we were expecting, so now we have to rein in the […]

Baby Clothes

With just about two months until Baby #4 arrives, the all too familiar nesting instinct is starting to kick in.  My sister Colleen returned our co-sleeper to us now that her son has outgrown it, so Chris and the kids set it up a few days ago.  I can’t believe our next little man will […]

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