Green Planet


I need to vent… Whenever I see someone walking down the street with a plastic drink bottle in their hands I want to ask: “Why does the earth have to deal with your waste for the next 10,000 years just because you were kinda thirsty?!” Why do we think we are entitled to use all […]

A Good Read

Even though I live in a big city, I strive to make my life as homemade as possible. I believe that avoiding processed junk (food and household products) is a healthier and happier way to live. Recently I stumbled on a great book that is all about going back to the basics — The Self […]

A Challenge For You:

A few years ago I quit cold turkey. No, I’m not referring to cigarettes (never had that habit) or drinking (I could never give up a good beer or a cute cocktail). I’m talking about paper towels. Yes, friends, I don’t use paper towels and I don’t miss them even a little bit!! Why did […]

Homemade Yogurt — Yummmmmm!

The plastic purge continues! My next target? Yogurt! Between my morning protein smoothies and Evelyn’s growing affinity for it, we go through a considerable amount of yogurt every week. And since I am on a crusade to cut out as much plastic consumption as possible, I figured it was time for me to start making […]

Homemade Laundry Detergent

About six months ago I became tired of buying expensive laundry detergent in obnoxious plastic packaging. So, I decided to start making my own. If you think this is the craziest homemade mothering idea yet, read these reasons and then give it a shot: 1. Save Money: The cost of making the below recipe is […]

A Planet-Friendlier Automatic Dishwashing Detergent That Actually Works!!

Finally! Success! After many trials & errors I have finally found a planet-friendlier automatic dishwashing detergent that actually works!! I tried and liked Palmolive Eco, but since it came in a thick plastic bottle I couldn’t continue buying it in good conscience. I tried and hated Seventh Generation, Planet, Ecover. I even tried making my […]

When to Opt for Organic?

It can be hard to know when to spend extra money on organic produce and when to purchase conventionally. I rely on this list from the Environmental Working Group to help me sift through the options. It lists the 12 worst offenders and the top 15 cleanest conventional options. At this point, I’ve got this […]

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