Green Planet

Bird’s Nest!

Today on our walk home after picking Evie up from school, we found the *coolest* thing in our alleyway: an empty bird’s nest. In perfect condition. To my 3 and 5 year old city kids, the day got instantly awesome! Mack leaped from the stroller to gently retrieve it.  He was concerned: where would the […]

Homemade Tomatillo Soup

A couple years ago I wrote about a tour I took through a lovely rural Illinois garden. The organic garden belongs to my mom’s dear friend Pam, and every year her garden grows in size and selection.  I saw Pam last weekend, and she very generously offered to gift me with some of this season’s […]

Walk to School!

One of the best things about living in Chicago is that we walk e v e r y w h e r e.  The grocery store is less than a block away. The library is right around the corner.  Lake Michigan is a mere 10 minute stroll from our front door.  I feel so lucky […]

The Best $12 I’ll Spend All Summer

My sister Caitie recently hosted a super fun birthday party at her house for her son Danny. Despite a bounce house, cupcakes, toys galore and kids everywhere, little Vivian spent the entire party playing at a water table.  It was filled with little rubber duckies that kept her laughing, and by the end of the […]

Reusable Produce Bags – Yippee!

As I’ve written about countless times before, I really really REALLY hate plastic.  One of the sneakiest plastic offenders, in my opinion, are the flimsy plastic produce bags from the grocery store.  While they can certainly be reused (or recycled, in a pinch), I have a sneaky suspicion that most of them end up in […]


This is just a simple post. A note of gratitude, really. To Mother Nature. For creating dandelions and giving children something beautiful to pick and appreciate and delight in.  How lucky are we to live in a world where weeds are truly beautiful! Did you like this? Share it:Tweet

Duralex Dishware from Mighty Nest

As I write about often, I really hate plastic.  Not only is it horrible for the planet, but I believe plastic containers leach chemicals into the foods and drinks we consume. Quite simply, I avoid plastic whenever possible. Lately, fears about the health effects of BPA have deterred many consumers from plastic.  Manufacturers now proudly […]

Mañana Banana Granola Smoothie

During our recent trip to Mexico, I pretty much ate my way around the little island we called home for 8 days.  Sweet Mexican grandmothers prepared tortas and sopes for breakfast at the local mercado. Homemade coconut paletas (popsicles) were our favorite afternoon treat on the beach. Fresh fish for lunch and dinner (with generous […]

My Week in a Chevy Cruze Eco

Living in such a large city affords us the opportunity to walk just about everywhere, so we don’t drive many miles.  But when General Motors recently recognized me and this site as a “local influencer”, I was very honored.   GMC offered me a week in any vehicle – how could I turn that down?! I […]

Zero Waste Lunch

Evie recently started going to school full day a few days a week. She loves the extra time with her wonderful teachers and nice friends. I am now faced with one more nightly task to complete before bed: making Evie’s lunch for the next day. As a homemade mother, I strive to pack a zero […]

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