Green Planet

Juice Box Hack

While we were in Florida for our spring break trip, I treated the kids to juice boxes. We don’t normally have them on hand for many reasons: 1) they are expensive 2) they create a lot of waste 3) I’d rather just give my kids real fruit and 4) I think water is the best […]

Our Family of Six: By the Numbers

We might be young and growing family of six, but I am still determined to minimize our impact on this beautiful planet of ours. I go out of my way to reduce the waste generated by this bunch – including making homemade peanut butter, using cloth diapers on the babies, ditching paper towels cold turkey […]

Reason #14 Why I’m Happy to Use Cloth Diapers on My Baby

Ever since Evie was born nearly 7 years ago we have been a cloth diapering family. While I suppose cloth diapering might require a modicum of extra work (two loads of laundry a week, that’s it), it has never been a decision that we’ve regretted or lamented. Perhaps one of the best lessons cloth diapering […]

Reason #87 Why I HATE Plastic Bags

It is no secret that I am a little nuts about plastic. As I’ve said before, unless it is delivering medicine via an IV line or protecting my kids head as a bicycle helmet, all our plastic use is totally, totally out of control.  We abuse, misuse and overuse this modern innovation to a sickening […]

Our Own Cups

The other morning before school I took this kids for a quick breakfast at Panera. Bagels are one of their most favorite treats, so that morning was an extra special way to start their days. Before we left the house I made sure to grab a few kiddie cups. I won’t buy the apple juice […]

The Way Home

Earlier this week our car started making a rather suspicious squeaking sound. Coupled with the “check suspension system” warning that popped up, I knew it was time to take it in for service. The nearest service center was about a mile from home, so the kids and I dropped it off and stepped outside intending […]

Carton Recycling in the Windy City

Good news! I just received word that the city of Chicago is now encouraging residents to recycle cartons, including those half gallon containers of milk, soup, juice and cream. The fiber in cartons is actually in very high demand and is used to create other paper products like tissues and paper towels. Recycling cartons is […]

Earth Day!

It is Earth Day! As a Homemade Mother, I consider April 22 to be a very special day for our family.  This day gives us a chance to reflect on our stewardship of the planet, and I always take some time to think of new ways we can better serve our planet and Mother Nature. […]

Big Berkey Water Filter in the House!

Water is pretty much the only thing we drink in our household.  I love the taste of the Lake Michigan water that comes out of our faucet. It is crisp and clean tasting, and before we leave the house we always fill up a jumbo Klean Kanteen to keep us hydrated.  Not only is water […]

Baby Clothes

With just about two months until Baby #4 arrives, the all too familiar nesting instinct is starting to kick in.  My sister Colleen returned our co-sleeper to us now that her son has outgrown it, so Chris and the kids set it up a few days ago.  I can’t believe our next little man will […]

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