Green Cleaning

Homemade Laundry Detergent

About six months ago I became tired of buying expensive laundry detergent in obnoxious plastic packaging. So, I decided to start making my own. If you think this is the craziest homemade mothering idea yet, read these reasons and then give it a shot: 1. Save Money: The cost of making the below recipe is […]

A Planet-Friendlier Automatic Dishwashing Detergent That Actually Works!!

Finally! Success! After many trials & errors I have finally found a planet-friendlier automatic dishwashing detergent that actually works!! I tried and liked Palmolive Eco, but since it came in a thick plastic bottle I couldn’t continue buying it in good conscience. I tried and hated Seventh Generation, Planet, Ecover. I even tried making my […]

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