
When 90 Miles From Home Feels Like a World Away

Our trip to Wisconsin last weekend could not have come at a better time.  The last month has been long, and we really needed some quiet time as a family to reconnect and grow. Here in the city, life is wonderful but hectic.  I get so wrapped up in surviving every day that I don’t […]

Sunday Breakfast Pancakes and Syrup

Sunday mornings are my favorite.  Even though my husband has to work on weekends, he usually doesn’t leave until later in the morning so the four of us are given a short but precious opportunity to enjoy time together. The rest of the day is just like any other weekday, so we really appreciate a […]

Tea for One

Both kids are napping…the dishwasher is busily humming away…bed linens are twirling in the dryer…bathrooms still need to be cleaned and the floors could use a good scrub…but I deserve a little moment to rest, right? The perfect treat for this snowy February afternoon would be a cozy cup of chai tea, but my body […]

Thankful for…Homemade Broth!

Living in a big city offers many eco-boosting benefits: we walk every where, we have an extensive farmers market system and and we live in a reasonably-sized apartment that doesn’t require a ton of energy to heat and cool. With that said, I am still bummed that I can’t compost our food scraps. I’d estimate […]

Some Stuff on Stuff

I’m feeling overwhelmed. With stuff. With a wedding four years ago…and two babies in two years…and thirty years of LIFE…we now have more than enough stuff. Do I really need all of this? Do I really want most of it?! A couple years ago we lived in corporate housing in New York City while my […]

The Homemade Way to Dust Furniture

When I was working full time away from home, most of my cleaning and general household chores were taken care of in the evening. However, I started to notice a trend on nights when I took care of the dusting: I couldn’t fall asleep. My heart would race, my nose was dry and my mind […]

The Cloth Diapering Manifesto

Since my first daughter was born we’ve been a cloth diapering family. While we were initially interested in cloth diapers for environmental reasons, the more we learned about disposables the more scared we were of them. With the knowledge we acquired we could not use disposables in good conscience. Here are a few reasons for […]