Sweet little Vivian.
As the third child, she is the hand-me-down queen in our house. All of her clothes belonged to Evie four years ago. Most of her toys are a bit ragged thanks to Mack’s not-so-gentle touch. She really doesn’t have much to call her own. It’s time for her to claim ownership of at least a few small things, right?
Now that Evie and Mack are in school every day, Vivian and I (finally!) have some quiet time together. In the past couple months, she has really grown to love books. We have a bin full of tattered children’s books next to the sofa in our living room, and she’ll walk over, choose one and bring it over to me saying “Book, book.” It was time to refresh our well-loved stash, so a few new books for Vivian were brought into the house.
My absolute favorite children’s book publisher is Barefoot Books. With so many new and interesting titles and bright and cheerful illustrations, they are a pleasure for me to read. Vivian received a few *new* Barefoot Books all her own, and we spend time reading together everyday.
We love reading “Bear on a Bike,” probably because the rhymes are so sweet and the pictures are so silly. “Cleo’s Counting Book” has really helped Vivian understand the rhythm of counting, and now she tries to mimic me when I count from one to 10. Her current favorite is “I Took the Moon for a Walk,” a sweet story about a little boy enjoying the company of the moon on an evening stroll.

If the older kids are around, they usually pile on the sofa to read along, too. Everyone loves “Who’s in the Forest” and “Who’s in the Farmyard” because most of their favorite animals are hiding on the pages.

No matter how hectic or stressful or exhausting a day might be, I always feel like I can salvage it by taking 10 minutes to read the kids a book. Reading settles their spirits and casts calm over the house, and nothing keeps my kids closer than a new book (especially when Dad is reading them one like “Port Side Pirates” in a goofy pirate voice)!

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