My friend Kendee shared this quote with me just before Christmas . Several of us were discussing over email about how busy moms can be during the holiday season (and all year ’round, actually!). This saying hangs in her mother-in-law’s home, and it is recited all the time by her family.
Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow.
For babies grow up, we’ve learned to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs, Dust go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby, and babies don’t keep.
Learn this and recite it to yourselves often. It is the best excuse for cobwebs and dust (and when you do have dust, make up
this quick homemade dusting solution that won’t harm your family or your furniture!). Every day I am surprised by how grown up my little girl already is – this picture was taken when she was only 8 weeks old and now she is 19 months! Each day is a gift and fleeting and over before I know it. Every moment is one to be treasured.
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Since I don't have a baby, I was worried that this excuse wouldn't count for young women like me. But then I started thinking, and found that time with friends, family and exploring the city can also apply 🙂
VERY good point, Colleen! I think the quote is a good reminder for everyone that we shouldn't let the things we think we need to do get in the way of time spent with those we love.
Great quote! I need to keep that in mind. I often think about all the things I need to do while I'm with my girls. Talk about paranoia.