Posts Tagged ‘taking kids to restaurants

Table for Six

One of the best things about living in a big city is access to so many completely amazing restaurants. We want to expose our kids to different foods and different cultures, and the easiest way to do that is to take them out to places that don’t serve pizza and PBJs.  While hauling our family […]

Fine Dining with Babies?

The latest hot topic among parents here in Chicago (and, I think, around the country) revolves around a comment from highly-acclaimed chef Grant Achatz, owner of Alinea, one of the finest and most innovative restaurants in the world.  Diners at Alinea can spend upwards of $600+ for a night of culinary creativity, an indulgence I […]

Kids’ Night Out

Chris and I have enjoyed several date nights lately.  With the flurry of the holidays and my birthday came several opportunities for us to sneak out together.  Evie and Mack were feeling a little left out, so we planned a family date night last night.  I put on some makeup, Evie wore a dress and […]