Posts Tagged ‘swiss chard

Sauteed Swiss Chard

Summer might be winding down, but the offerings at our neighborhood farmers market remain plentiful. We go early most Saturday mornings. Chris and I look forward to starting the day with a nice walk, and the kids look forward to smiley face cookies and a stop at the park. I wish summer never ended! When […]

Swiss Chard Grilled Cheese Sandwich

My friend Kelly came over for lunch the other day.  She was one of my first post-college/real world friends, so we share plenty of fun memories.  Even though we now live 6,600 miles apart (she’s in Beijing, I’m in Chicago) our afternoon together felt like no time or distance had passed. To welcome her to […]

Pam’s Garden

My mom’s friend and neighbor Pam recently invited me to take a tour of her garden.  She lives in a rural part of Illinois, so for a city girl like me spending a day surrounded by tangled vines, busy bumble bees and heirloom produce was a real treat. The garden was full of earthy carrots, […]