Posts Tagged ‘cloth diapers save money

Reason #14 Why I’m Happy to Use Cloth Diapers on My Baby

Ever since Evie was born nearly 7 years ago we have been a cloth diapering family. While I suppose cloth diapering might require a modicum of extra work (two loads of laundry a week, that’s it), it has never been a decision that we’ve regretted or lamented. Perhaps one of the best lessons cloth diapering […]

Cloth Diapers Are For Everyone + GIVEAWAY!

My baby sister Colleen is almost a mother!  She is due with her first little man in a few weeks, and we are all so excited for his arrival.  He will be my parents’ EIGHTH grandchild in five years – my sisters and I have been busy – ha! Colleen is an ambitious city girl […]

Groovy Cheeks Cloth Diapers

I love how wide the eco-mama network reaches.  My best friend Laura recently moved to Kentucky (sniff, sniff), and even though she is far away now we still encourage and support each other.  While she was working on an article about cloth diapering she met Mika Pryor, a fellow mother who recently started up her […]

Free Disposable Diapers?? I Have A Better Idea…

My husband recently sent me some information about pending legislation that would allow diapers and related supplies to be bought with grant money provided to states.  The federal program, called the Child Care and Development Fund, received $5 billion in fiscal 2011, which it distributed to all 50 states, the District of Columbia and scores […]

Cloth Diapering on the Go

Anyone who reads this blog even semi-regularly probably knows I am a big believer in cloth diapers.  Not only are they better for the planet and healthier for my babies, but choosing cloth saves us THOUSANDS of dollars.  We are living on a pretty strict budget, and I can’t imagine where the money for disposable […]

Homemade Mother of the Week: Lori Taylor, Cloth Diaper Maven

This post is the third in the series “Homemade Mother of the Week.” If you know a woman who is thoughtfully sharing her passion for the planet,  families or the well-being of others, please nominate her for this special recognition.  Send an email with all the details to When Lori Taylor received her a […]

The Great Cloth Diaper Change!

Yesterday the kids and I went to the beautiful Bellybum Baby Boutique on Chicago’s north side for a gathering like none other.  Surrounded by 15 other moms and their precious babies, I participated in my first ever Guinness Book of World Records event.  Along with thousands of other moms around the world, we helped set […]

Homemade Mothering’s Cloth Diapering Manifesto in the News!

Looking for a way to save a few thousand dollars while saving the planet, too?  Then perhaps it is time to consider using cloth diapers on your precious babes.  We’ve used them since my 2 1/2 year old daughter was born and haven’t regretted it since. The best part about cloth diapering?  Potty training!  While […]

The Cloth Diapering Manifesto

Since my first daughter was born we’ve been a cloth diapering family. While we were initially interested in cloth diapers for environmental reasons, the more we learned about disposables the more scared we were of them. With the knowledge we acquired we could not use disposables in good conscience. Here are a few reasons for […]