A Happy Breakfast

Thanks to the time change last weekend, the kids have been waking up a bit earlier than usual.  Their normal wake-up time is 7:00, and this past week they’ve been waking up around 6:30.  But, I know I shouldn’t complain: plenty of my friends have kids who wake up waaaaay earlier even without the time change!

Yesterday they were up by 6:25, but fortunately they chose to play in the toy room for a while.  That gave me a chance to fix them a quick and fun breakfast: peanut butter quesadillas and plátano con leche (a banana “milkshake” we enjoy in Mexico).

Peanut Butter “Quesadillas”

2 flour tortillas

a good scoop of peanut butter (we use homemade peanut butter)

a nice drizzle of honey

a friendly dash of cinnamon


Heat a griddle (we use a cast iron skillet) over medium heat.

Smear the peanut butter on one quesadilla and top with honey and cinnamon.  Put the remaining tortilla on top.

Drop a pat of butter into the skillet. Once it melts, lay in the tortilla sandwich. Cook for a minute or two, flip, and cook for another minute.

Plátano con Leche

1 cup whole milk

1 banana

1 tablespoon vanilla extract (we use homemade vanilla extract)

1 tablespoon sugar

1 cup of ice

Combine all ingredients in a blender and mix until smooth and creamy.

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