Fun with Mad-Libs

I recently rediscovered Mad Libs, those goofy fill-in-the-blanks story books that teach kids about nouns, verbs and adjectives.  I remember them fondly from my youth – my friends and I would write in potty words and laugh for hours. When we took the kids on a road trip this summer, I purchased a few Mad Lib books to bring along for boring stretches of the drive.  Now, the kids love doing them on quiet afternoons at home.

Not much to my surprise, Evie and Mack L O V E filling out a Mad Libs page with me.  And, I’m also not surprised to hear them filling the blanks with the words “poo” and “poop” (if it’s a noun) or “poopy” (if it’s an adjective) or “pooping” (if it’s a verb).  It’s all in good fun, and the hearty laughs they offer when I read the story is well worth it!

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1 Comment for this entry

  1. Kelly says:

    LOVE Mad Libs!! !!So glad the kids are fans!

    You guys MUST try homemade musical Mad Libs–a favorite on family car trips and with the kids I babysat for: write out the lyrics to a song you guys all know, and replace a few of the words with Mad Libs-style blanks. Don’t tell the kids what song it is and fill in the words together. Then sing them the song with the new words in it. This was (and really, still is) a recipe for immediate hysterical laughter!!!

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