Posts by Maureen

About Maureen

Birthday Countdown!

Evie’s birthday is now one month away.  However, it has been a daily topic of conversation for the past two months. She can’t wait to turn 4; its just about all she talks about.  We agreed that she can invite a few friends over for cupcakes followed by the new Disney princess movie “Brave” – […]

Moby Wrap GIVEAWAY!!!

Last week I wrote all about my love of Moby Wrap, and this week I am hosting a fun GIVEAWAY for one! One lucky Homemade Mothering reader will be chosen at random to receive a Moby Original or Modern wrap. To enter, leave a comment here letting me know why baby wearing is important to […]

Sunday Morning

I really treasure Sundays.  My husband has to work on Saturdays, so Sunday is our only day together as a family.  I usually get up early with the kids while Chris snoozes in.  We play toys, read a few books and prepare breakfast.  Its a nice way to start what is always a nice day. […]

Moving with Moby

Little Vivian is such a snuggle bug.  She loves being held – some days I feel like I never put her down.  I have to admit that I actually really like it. Her skin is soft and the top of her head smells so good and her baby breath is so sweet and warm.  During […]

Honey and Cinnamon Ice Milk

As I’ve written about many times before, I really love the co-op we belong to.  Twice a month, local farm-fresh food is delivered to my area, and my family is happier and healthier because of it.  We order everything from pasture-raised beef to free-ranging chickens to sweet maple syrup.  Perhaps one of my favorite items […]

Sing To Your Baby + GIVEAWAY

My little family really loves music.  My parents gave us an awesome iPod speaker dock for Christmas, and not a day goes by that we don’t use it.  Our tastes range from Jack Johnson to Lady Gaga to the Disney station.  I’ve found that sometimes all it takes are some catchy tunes to settle rambunctious […]

God-Mother to the Rescue

A few weeks ago, late one Saturday night, I had a mini breakdown.  I was beyond tired and totally exhausted.  Vivian was only five weeks old, and I was feeling like every day was just about survival.  I didn’t like the fact that I wasn’t able to slow down and enjoy the journey of motherhood. […]

The Best $1 I Spent All Week

Evelyn hasn’t taken a nap in nearly two years.  When she fist gave up this most important of rituals, I was devastated.  I treasured those couple hours to myself every afternoon.  But, my mom made me feel better when she gently reminded me that everyone needs a little quiet time every day.  I shouldn’t personally […]

ENOUGH of the Mommy Wars. Please?

By now just about everyone and her mother has weighed in on the controversial TIME Magazine cover.  I figured I might as well toss in my two cents for whatever it may be worth. At first, I wasn’t particularly bothered by the cover.  While I have no intention of breastfeeding my 4 year old, I […]

Tiny Tummy Troubles

Poor little Vivian! She struggles a bit with tummy troubles, and her tears and frustrated expressions break my heart.  I think she has sensitivities to some of the foods I eat, so I’m trying my best to avoid things that I think might be causing her distress.  So far I’ve figured out that Brussels sprouts […]